We at CDN Fitness Solutions are committed to respecting and protecting your personal information. This document will state how we intend to obtain your personal data and the reasons behind us doing so.
Information we collect about you
Identity information such as: Names, Title, Date of birth, Gender, Title and date of birth
Contact information such as: Address of Residence, Email Addresses, telephone numbers, Telephone numbers of your G.P
Transaction information such as: Details about payments made through Paypal here and products and services you have purchased from us.
Marketing and Communications such as: Photographs of you participating in exercise during your time with us, Receiving emails from us, Receiving social media messages from us, Receiving text messages from us.
Medical information such as: Any medical conditions from which you suffer from, Name of Doctors surgery you are registered to, medication prescribed, Doctors surgery address.
How we Collect information about you
We will use the following methods to collect information about you:
PARQ (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire).
Release Of Liability form
Personal training agreement\contract
How we use your personal information
To notify you about changes to our services
To Market our Services
To work with G.P were necessary for safety and wellbeing of individual
To programme your personal training sessions
To provide and improve our services to you.
We use your personal information for the following:
To form a contract to provide our services
To comply with legal and regulatory requirements
To ensure your health and wellbeing
For running our business
For the promotion of our business via our website.
Change of purpose
We will only use your personal information for the reasons for which we collected it. If we need to use your personal information for another reason, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do this.
We may need to share your personal information with a trusted third party e.g. your G.P if any medical reasoning for doing so occurs during the duration of your journey with CDN Fitness Solutions. You will be notified before us doing this.
How we protect your personal information
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We will limit your information to employees of CDN Fitness Solutions, G.PS, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and nutritionists where we deem it appropriate to involve these professionals for your health and wellbeing or where we have been requested to by you.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal information breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.
How long we keep your personal information
We will only keep your information for the duration of your stay with us plus an additional year after you no longer require our services.
Right to request personal data
Every individual has the right to access the personal data we hold on them.
In order to do this you will need to make a written request in writing or by email stating you would like to see said information. We will then send by a password protected email all personal data we hold on you within 30 days.
The right to be forgotten
Every individual has the right to be forgotten where:
Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose in which we collected it
You tell us you no longer consent to us processing or holding your personal data
You tell us you don’t wish for us to continue using your personal data such as image for our marketing campaigns and withdraw consent.
If you wish to be forgotten you will need to tell us in writing or by email that you wish to be forgotten and for us to not hold your information. We will then ensure your data is safely discarded of within 30 days.
We will assume that unless stated in writing or email that you are happy and consent for us to process, collect and store your information based on the above. Any individuals are welcome to withdraw consent at anytime .